The Holt Society
Pictures of Holt

Events and Activities

Dates for your diary

The Holt Society 2024 Annual General Meeting took place on 8th April 2024

At:The Venue, Kerridge Way, Holt NR25 6DN and began at 18:30PM.

After an interval we were given a most detailed and informative talk by Claire Roberts,
Chair of Holt District Dementia Support.

PS:Thank you to those who paid their £5.00 2024 Membership fee on the night. There remain a few members fees outstanding and we look for these to come in shortly. Cash, cheque or bank transfer please.

Our Next event is Tony Leech's talk on June 28th at The Venue, Kerridge Way, Holt NR25 6DN. Details are here. Details of ticket prices and ordering as well as timings are in our flyer.